Academic and Executive Function Support for College StudentsOur tutors support students while they are in college via Skype and FaceTime. Students who attend local colleges meet in person at one of our tutoring locations. This is an especially popular service for freshmen students or students who have previously had a difficult semester.
Students conference with their tutor each week to review grades, set schedules, discuss study strategies, and problem solve. Some students meet “as needed” for specific academic or emotional support. Students with documented learning or behavioral disabilities often need guidance in self-reporting their disability to student support services and individual teachers. In addition, self-advocating for specific accommodations is often challenging for students. |
Students who struggle with executive function skills are coached in managing their work and their fun, setting up a routine to maximize physical and emotional health, and overcoming roadblocks to success. Those who are academically overwhelmed can receive the support they need via Google docs, along with coaching on how to find tutors on campus and meet with TAs and professors.
Job Search for Recent Graduates
Once it is time to start applying for internships and full-time jobs, our college consultant helps students identify areas of professional interest, write cover letters, create a professional LinkedIn account, and prepare for interviews. In addition, students are taught that looking for a job is a full time job; students are held accountable to meet certain weekly targets, increase networking, and follow up on previous applications.