As we enter another summer and all of the excitement that comes along – family vacations, gathering in the community together, later bedtimes! – our team is reflecting with gratitude on all of the students and families we have the privilege to serve.
We are thankful for the trust you place in The Village Tutors, every day, to support and guide your child’s learning experiences. From our youngest students preparing for kindergarten and learning how to read, to our blossoming high school seniors beginning college, and finally, our college students blazing new and exciting trails, it is our honor to work alongside them and be a part of their educational journey. Thank you for trusting us to provide specialized expertise in support of your student’s education, and providing us the opportunity to continue to do what we love! We could not have imagined when we started this business 18 years ago the number of families we would impact while cultivating deep relationships. Enjoy these months and everything the summer has to offer! Warmly, Suzanne Petree Founder, The Village Tutors And to my most “esteemed” Village Tutor team, my deepest appreciation… Maura Abernethy Patrick Hohe Nancy Parkinson Michael Baron Mia Javanshad Ian Michael Peterson Beth Bean Pam Keseric Loren Shinn Molly Branda Peter Kralovec-Kirchherr Mimi Skala Sandy Brantner Laurie Koshgarian Kyle Soller Cindy Charters Katie Kramer Jill Suter Jenny Cushing Susan Kroese Bill Tanguay Haley Chrestionson Lynn Lach Kelsey Taylor Emily Fister Lynn Lanese Michelle Vranicar Keith Friedman Alex Laws Kate Vogts Leo Gabrek Cynthia Mapel MJ Westlund Haley Garvin Katie McDevitt Paula Whitelaw Marjean Gonzalez Marcy McKay Ann Wilson Sarah Gonzalez Regina Melbourne Matt Wolszon Camille Harris Lisa Miller Maureen Wygonowski Eileen Norton Kate O’Reilly Comments are closed.
October 2024